Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Puppy's are 1 week old!

Well, it's been a busy week here at the Bates' household!  

Our biggest puppy!!
We've been doing extra laundry, making sure Daisy has plenty of food and water, outdoor time and alone moments with her family while babies are sleeping.   While she steps out for a moment, don't think those puppies are left alone for long!  Our whole family can't get enough puppy time. They are SOOOOOO sweet! Daisy Mae has proven to be a VERY attentive and excellent Mama!  We are constantly amazed at the individual care and gentleness she gives to those 10 little puppies. 

Every morning and evening the puppies get weighed to make sure they are progressing nicely.  We have had a bit of a challenging week because two of our lowest weight females were not gaining at all.  We were giving them extra time alone nursing (a head start) while the others waited patiently in a separate heating pad lined box.  After a visit to the vets, we've been bottle feeding every two hours, day and night.  Needless to say, we are tired, but we're happy to announce that for three days in a row they each have been gaining at least an ounce - which is HUGE for them!  Yay!!  All of the other puppies are growing by leaps and bounds.  Our biggest puppy was 17.6 oz. at birth and as of today is 25 oz!  It's quite amazing how quickly they grow and change.  Here are some 1 week old photos. Enjoy!  

Our smallest puppy being burped
after bottle feeding

Second to the smallest female
being bottle fed

the two smallest puppies - now up 3 oz.!!! 

another picture of the smallest female puppy - absolutely adorable